All Bowls England (BE) and English Indoor Bowling
Association (EIBA) members will contact their relevant National
Governing Body for CRB checks and associated issues.
English Short Mat Bowling
Association (ESMBA) and British Crown Green Bowling Association
(BCGBA) members will continue to use the Joint Panel for the
Protection of Children via their National Governing Body, inclusive
of coaches and officials.
BE and EIBA will deal with any issues raised in
the CRB checks but will use the panel as an advisory body in those
cases where added guidance is needed.
It was suggested that the name of the panel be
changed and for this to be raised at the next AGM A suggestion was
for it to be changed to - “Bowls Safeguarding Panel”
The NGBs will be responsible for identifying
/providing their own members for the group and will undertake any
training as required for those nominated.
Safeguarding will become an agenda item at each
BDA Board meeting – with a report to be submitted from the panel
bi-monthly. |