English Indoor Bowling Association Ltd

Fri 14 March 2025

The EIBA is pleased to acknowledge the following Official Partners & Suppliers

Frequently Asked Questions

1. With the current advice re: Coronavirus there is no possibility of candidates carrying out their practical sessions in the foreseeable future and therefore I cannot complete my portfolio.
What should I do?

You should complete your theory parts of the portfolio as prescribed. If you are able to complete these electronically you can then e-mail across to your assessor. They will then be able to assess and feedback electronically.

If you are not able to complete these electronically, you should:
a) Complete the paperwork
b) Scan the documents and e-mail to the assessor
c) Post (if able) to your assessor - ensuring the recipient does not have to sign for the package, but that it is ‘tracked’

2. I have completed my first on green session and my portfolio is all but complete. Shall I send it in for checking and just keep a copy of my second session to bring to the assessment day when it happens?
Yes. As the above guidelines for Q1.

3. Our local clubs are not currently open. Will we get additional time to complete the coaching sessions?
Yes. Coach Bowls will not begin arranging assessment days until the situation across the country has stabilised and it is deemed by the Government and Public Health England that it is sensible to resume. In the meantime, you should complete the rest of your portfolio in line with Q1.

4. Day one of my course has been postponed. When will it be rescheduled for?
Coach Bowls is unable to give exact dates for rearranged courses at this time. As soon as we have been given further guidance we will let everyone know via our website initially. Once exact dates are arranged, we will e-mail all candidates directly.

5. What happens if I can’t make the date of a rearranged course?
You will be given the option to transfer to another course on a date that you can attend. If for any reason this is not possible, the Coach Bowls Manager will liaise with you directly to formulate an individual action plan that works for you.

6. How will I be able to attend an assessment day and when will I know they are?
Coach bowls will arrange assessment days with a geographic spread as soon as it is deemed by the Government and Public Health England that it is sensible to resume. All candidates will receive information directly from the Coach Bowls team.

7. Can I still go to my club and coach?
At the current time, the answer is an emphatic ‘no’. In accordance with Government guidance – Stay Home, Stay Safe, Stop the Spread.

8. Is Coach Bowls still operational during the Coronavirus outbreak? If so, how do I contact a member of the team?
Coach Bowls is currently working remotely. We are using this opportunity to review and refresh some documents, update materials, improve the membership portal and website whilst continuing to offer our normal service to all of our members.

To contact us, the office number remains in place (01926 334910). We have diverted this to a remote handset.

You can also contact us via e-mail: office@coachbowls.org

Adam Durnin remains the main point of contact to the members and is overseeing the membership portal, merchandise, website. Adam’s e-mail is: adam@coachbowls.org

Amanda Scriven-Purcell continues to oversee Coach Bowls operationally. Amanda is reviewing and refreshing materials, documents, courses and modules. She will be working with the Tutors, Assessors, Quality Assurance Team, Volunteer groups to ensure that support to coaches currently undertaking qualifications is still available remotely. Amanda’s e-mail is: amanda@coachbowls.org

Issue 1: 25th March 2020

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Registered in England & Wales No. 06714071. Copyright English Indoor Bowling Association Ltd 1999 - 2025