all EIBA Affiliated Clubs
EIBA National and
County Facilities Strategy
As you will be aware from my “Business Review” tabled at the 2011 Annual
General Meeting, the EIBA is working closely with the Bowls Development
Alliance to produce the Indoor Section of a National Facilities Strategy for
the Sport of Bowls.
In order that we can produce a meaningful document it is
essential that we have accurate information on which to make our decisions.
The below form headed “Indoor Facilities Audit” has been devised to
assist us with this work.
PDF format for Indoor Facilities Audit -
Click here
Word format for Indoor Facilities Audit -
Click here
If you have any queries and/or would like
to discuss our request in more detail, please contact Stephen Rodwell (EIBA
Administration Manager/Company Secretary) who is leading on this project.
Many thanks
Yours sincerely
Peter Thompson
Chief Operating Executive
20th December 2011