English Indoor Bowling Association Ltd

Mixed U18's International Team

for the BIIBC U18's International Series at Solihull IBC
Friday 13th to Sunday 15th January 2023

England Squad
Charlie Beeton *
Reece Graham *
Ellie Hamblett *
George Hopper *
Ellie Johnson
Jacob Mills *
Isabelle Pymm *
Rhianna Russell *
Joe Sanford
Oliver Sloan
Ollie Jeapes
Millie Tuck
Chawton Park
Crystal Place
Spalding (reserve)
Dolphin (reserve)

Team 1

Singles George Hopper
Pairs Rhianna Russell & George Hopper
Triples Ellie Johnson, Charlie Beeton & Jacob Mills
Fours Ellie Johnson, Rhianna Russell,
Charlie Beeton & Jacob Mills
Travelling Reserve - Ollie Jeaps 

Team 2

Singles Reece Graham
Pairs Isabelle Pymm & Reece Graham
Triples Ellie Hamblett, Oliver Sloan & Joe Sanford
Fours Ellie Hamblett, Isabelle Plymm,
Oliver Sloan & Joe Sanford
Travelling Reserve - Mille Tuck

Non-Travelling Reserves
Madison King Clevedon & Harry Wimble-Roberts Swale

Team Manager - Michelle Coleman
Selectors - Nick Brett & Sheila Storey

For more information on the event click here.

8th December 2022

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