English Indoor Bowling Association Ltd

Fantastic Fives Summer League 2015


2 points for a win in each discipline;
1 point for a draw in each discipline Singles, Pairs, Triples and Fours recorded by Shots

Total pts Fours Triples Pairs Singles GROUP 1A & 1B Singles Pairs Triples Fours Total pts
Play by 30th August (Group A is the Home Team)
4 8 4 15 5 Rugby Thornfield v Melton 13 4 10 5 4

Total pts Fours Triples Pairs Singles GROUP 2A & 2B Singles Pairs Triples Fours Total pts
Play by 30th August (Group A is the Home Team)
6 14 8 11 4 Havering Blue v Acle 13 7 7 4 2

Total pts Fours Triples Pairs Singles GROUP 3A & 3B Singles Pairs Triples Fours Total pts
 Play by 30th August (Group A is the Home Team)
2 1 13 4 6 Havering Red v Bounds Green 18 19 8 12 6

Total pts Fours Triples Pairs Singles GROUP 4A & 4B Singles Pairs Triples Fours Total pts
Play by 30th August (Group A is the Home Team)
2 4 5 7 12 Whiteoak Blue v Mote Park 9 8 16 13 6

Total pts Fours Triples Pairs Singles GROUP 5A & 5B Singles Pairs Triples Fours Total pts
Play by 30th August (Group A is the Home Team)
0 2 9 7 9 Whiteoak White v Royal Stars 10 10 14 12 8

Total pts Fours Triples Pairs Singles GROUP 6A & 6B Singles Pairs Triples Fours Total pts
Play by 30th August (Group A is the Home Team)
4 3 13 10 8 Preston
 (Games Won)
v Sevenoaks 14 6 4 7 4

Total pts Fours Triples Pairs Singles GROUP 7A & 7B Singles Pairs Triples Fours Total pts
Play by 30th August (Group A is the Home Team)
2 10 6 6 6 Loddon Vale C v Egham 11 10 10 8 6

Total pts Fours Triples Pairs Singles GROUP 8A & 8B Singles Pairs Triples Fours Total pts
Play by 30th August (Group A is the Home Team)
8 12 14 17 12 Dorchester
(Shot Difference)
v Dolphin 4 5 4 5 0

The Winner of each Group Play Off will go through to play a Regional Play Off by the 5th September on a Neutral Green.


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